Rocky Beach

Last time I wrote about the early morning ambience at The Ovens Nature Park. The sound was just amazing and at 5 in the morning, there was not a soul around to ask me loudly what I was doing.


That kind of interruption is all too common, so the earlier in the morning, the more successful the recording can be.

Of course, as could be heard in the ambience recording, the mosquitoes don’t care about the time of day if they think they can get a meal out of me. Being on a campground, the mosquitoes are used to an abundance of “caregivers”.

Once the ambience recording was done, I went to the beach, or at least what was left. While until 1860 this was a regular sandy beach, a few years later, all the sand was shipped to Wales and processed for any gold it could contain. What was left behind was rocks and pebbles.

That is not so welcome for bathers, but for sound recording, that is a great environment. Using the Zoom F3, I didn’t have to worry about levels so much. The morning was pretty calm, with no giant waves or stormy weather. My homemade windshields were holding up pretty well. Any slight breeze into the Behringers would have rendered the recording unusable.

So this is what I ended up with:

I didn’t do much to the recording, except a fade-in and a fade-out. The levels were right where I wanted them.

Enjoy a bit of water on the rocks and…

Until next time…