
Osprey speak to the imagination. They are fierce birds, often seen, rarely heard. When they nest, flocks of photographers gather beneath the nest high up on a pole or other high spot.


The birds usually ignore the people unless they start to approach the nest.

Luckily for me, a good lens of sufficient reach can get close without them knowing it. But when the eggs have hatched and the young one needs food and protection, the birds get vocal even further away from the nest.

I recorded the following with my Zoom H6 and internal X-Y mics. The parents are not happy to see me standing some 90 metres away from the nest. Then one of them came closer and started yelling at me. The traffic was completely ignored.

I was not even close enough to see the young one, but since I was the human standing still, I was the one to be ousted.

This was his/her story:

Until next timeā€¦