
A few nights ago, I woke up to some lightning. As is my habit from years ago (read: ages ago), I counted the seconds until the thunder. At first, there was none. Then some 50 seconds, not enough to get up from my warm bed.

Distant thunder

Then the gap shortened to some 12 seconds and I got up to close all windows in the house.

By then, I was mostly awake, so I grabbed my Zoom F3 and 2 mics. Then I started scouring the house for a quiet place to record the thunder. The living room had no suitable windows. Outside, the rain started coming down. The kitchen had a loud noise from an old fridge.

I ended up in the bathroom next to the cat’s litter box. There I set up the mics and started recording. Once a lightning bolt appeared, I started recording.

With the Zoom H6 or H2, this was always a problem with signal overload. With the F3, that is no longer the case.

This is what I got:

But simply normalizing the sound was not much of an option. Much like with the H6, the result was an “either/or” situation. So, instead of normalizing, I used a limiter in Reaper to get this done more elegantly.

Enjoy the thunder!

Until next time…