
A few years ago, when I still lived in Winnipeg, there were some unsettling sounds in town. At first I couldn’t believe what they were, I thought perhaps wild dogs or something, but they were coyotes.


When I grew up, coyotes had always been painted as fearsome beasts, a tad smaller than wolves, but just as blood thirsty.

The truth is a lot more complicated. In Winnipeg, I have often seen coyotes in the streets, just walking along, doing harm to nobody. The negative connotation of blood thirsty was a complete myth. And a bad one at that.

Like with all wild animals, it’s better to give them their space and stand your own. Then each can go his/her separate way in peace.

To hear them laughing close to your back yard is still kind of unsettling. Listen for yourself Smile.

The memory of this pack of coyotes (Canis latrans) is now a fond one.

Until next time…