
Despite the reputation of the Atlantic Ocean, Nova Scotia hardly gets the waves they get in western France, called Bretagne. Over there, the waves sometimes get over 20 meters high, high enough to cover lighthouses. One such lighthouse in Penmarch', called the "Phare d'Eckmuhl" is 65 meters high.

On the rocks at Western Head

In Nova Scotia, this is virtually non-existent.

And yet, waves are here. Angry waves at times, crashing on the rocks, willing them aside to splash onto the land beyond. Happily the rocks do a good job of resisting the waves.

They also provide some (unsure) footing for me to stand on while recording the waves. Here is such a recording:

I was standing close enough to get sprayed from time to time. Not something you’d want in city shoes on slippery rocks. Enjoy the ambience, it may put some of you to sleep..

Until next time…